Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Letter Series

Hello all!

Yes, yes, It's been FOREVER since I've posted. Time has a way of slipping by without me noticing. :) It's been a crazy busy few months and I'm still getting used to the new PhD responsibilities. Plus, this summer is just crammed with things to do on a massive budget!

Let's see... I've been to Florida to see my Mum, went to the Shore to see Dad, been to two O's games thus far, trekked up to Harpers Ferry area for a cookout with Christy and crew, been a bridesmaid in my friend Kelly's wedding and the photographer in my friend Jen's. I have a 3 Days Grace concert coming up this Friday that I am UBER excited about and then a quick trip up to PA to see my Mom and sister for a day. :) Then at the end of the month I will be traveling to the Virgin Islands with Dad and Joan! YAYYYYYYYYYY! I'll be sure to blog from there if I have internet access. :)

So yes, I've been busy. However, I was having trouble falling asleep last night and I came up with a new blog idea. I'm going to do a Letter From Meg series of blogs. You can probably guess... each blog will be a personalized letter to a loved one, friend or acquaintance. There may also be some to people from my past and those no longer with us. I have this horrible fear of leaving this earth without letting people know how much I care for them or what affect they have had on me. So I think this would be a great opportunity to do so! I'll start with family and work my way to friends. If you DO or DO NOT want to be included in this series post a comment and let me know! :)


"Though I cannot fly, I'm not content to crawl" -Nine Days

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