Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day Six: Blue Tang and Pink Cadillacs

Day Six

Another beautiful day for snorkeling! We trekked out to Oppenheimer Beach for some sun and swimming. After bobbing around like corks for a time, Dad and I geared up and set out to snorkel around the reef. No sea turtles today, but a LOT of Blue Tang and Parrot Fish. Schools liked to hang around the reef and cliff walls off of Oppenheimer. The Brain Coral had started to regenerate which looked pretty cool! I kept glancing behind me pathetically, looking for sharks. Of COURSE it was shark week on Discovery this past week, and I caught a few of the shows on attacks. And being the big ole puss that I am, I was hesitant to kick around in the waters out there. But no sharks, just Cuddlefish and some small Fries. :) We snorkeled a little over a mile one way, out towards the "Easter Egg." and then back to shore. (Any of you who have been to St. John know what the Easter Egg is, I'm sure).

We stayed out on the beach for a good long stint today. Joan was feeling much better so she floated around near the shore with us. There was a large group of local kids having what looked like a parks and rec day at Robert Oppenheimer's old home. They spent most of the day splashing around in the water, having a good ole time!

After a bulk of the morning and early afternoon at the beach, we set back to Cruz Bay for some lunch. We settled on Deli Grotto in Mongoose Junction. I was feeling particularly adventurous so I grabbed a bottle of Ginger Beer and ordered a Pink Cadillac. A Pink Cadillac is a sandwich consisting of turkey, cheddar, guac, salsa, and cream cheese on pumpernickel. It was definitely different, and pretty good!

Sadly, when I got back to the villa I had to get to the grading. So I spent much of the rest of the afternoon in the house with the laptop. Dad made a fabulous London Broil for dinner and we settled onto the porch to watch the lights come on at St. Thomas.

Good day. Good night!

Cheers and Ginger Beers!

1 comment:

Gayle Tucker said...

You really sound relaxed. I read your post on facebook today, and I'm glad that your grading is done.Isn't nice to do your "grading on the Islands?" Ha ha! Love you, Mom