Sunday, August 7, 2011

Buster, Ruins and Flamboyant Trees

As promised, here are a few photos of my day yesterday. We did so much that by the end of the day I was too tired to do much of anything but pass out!


Miss Buster is the local cat at Shipwreck Landing restaurant in Coral Bay. She has been a restaurant kitty for 13 years, but just started walking around the serving area recently. She would wander to each patron and mew until they dropped some grub. But this gal was no easy tart! She loved fish and crab cake. All other food was left where it was dropped for the chicken to come through and pick it off.

Danish Ruins at Little Lameshur Bay

These ruins were fabulous! You can see them from the Little Lameshur beach and facing the bay.

Flamboyant Trees

My father is dead set on wrecking the rental car to get a good look at the local Flamboyant trees. I can't say I blame him. These are the brightest crimson red trees around the island. They certainly live up to their names!

The real blog from Day 8 will be posted tonight... but here is a preview:

Cheers and Carib Beers!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Loved the photos in your blog and the story of the little island restaurant cat who only likes crab cakes and fish. Who knew island cats could be finicky too?